Tuesday 29 October 2013

Update - moving to Australia with a baby on board

Outback sunset

Tomorrow I will be ten weeks.  

I had a scan today and we have a heartbeat and a little dancing embryo.  Cue a huge sigh of relief.  I don't think I'll feel confident about this pregnancy until this little Pickle is actually born.  Pipkin was also fine and dancing at ten weeks, but its progress at least.

I wanted to keep myself busy to keep my mind occupied and... be careful what you wish for Lisa.

Time has flown what with the new job in the mornings and co-ordinating this move.  I've been busy 
  • sorting and 
  • cleaning and 
  • packing and 
  • freecycling the various random items we are not taking to Australia with us.  

I've also sorted out the paperwork for the import application for the Land Rover and sent it off with the 15 additional documents required to support the application.

Fingers crossed.  

The Landy enjoyed Australia the first time and will be much happier having adventures there than sitting parked outside a London flat.  

I'm still working on coordinating final readings and cancelling various services and regular payments.

We check in to a hotel this weekend, the movers come on Monday for the furniture and we fly a week from today.  We'll spend a ten days or so visiting with friends in Brisbane and then head on to Melbourne to find a place to live.

Before we found out about this pregnancy we had intended to spend a month or so hanging out in Thailand while we waited for our goods to sail from one end of the planet to the other.  Mr Duncan can work from anywhere he has access to the internets.  But I'm anxious to find a new doctor and get in the 'system' as soon as possible, and for that we need a proper address in Melbourne.  I just hope we can get one and move in before the whole country shuts down for Christmas.

I'll be without a kitchen until we find a place to live - and without my kitchen things until probably February when our shipment should turn up - so it may be a while before I post any new experimental recipes.


  1. Wonderful update. So glad you got to see Pickle's heartbeat. Hoping all goes smoothly for you during the move.

  2. Wonderful that you got to see your little one again and that s/he is doing so well! At 9 weeks, 2 days, I am starting to feel calmer, but really have in the back of myt mind just as you said: I'll feel good once baby is here alive and screaming. Then maybe it'll feel real!

    You have so many big things in the works too! I'm interested to follow along with your journey, since my husband and I hope to leave the UK for good soon for one of our homes countries (Austria or Canada). I wish you well with the big move and hope you'll keep us updated once you're settled in again!
