Saturday 9 November 2013


82 boxes.

Today was Pipkin's due date.

We arrived in Australia to start our new life today.

I've always had a head for dates - remembering birthdays and anniversaries without any effort.  I'm glad that I can make this date dual purpose - and bring some positivity to an otherwise sad association.

I hope I can do that with Poppy's due date too.  

Although it was the middle of freezing cold January, we took the day off work for a trip to the seaside at Brighton.  It was good and healing to spend that time together and acknowledge what might have been.  

I hope the next time it comes around we can start something positive in Poppy's memory.  

In summer.

Its been an exhausting and busy week. 

I'm looking forward to a couple of weeks downtime in tropical Brisbane before attending to the graft of finding a job and a place to live in Melbourne.



  1. Pipkin will always be remembered. Hugs. Hope you enjoy tropical Brisbane. I'd love to see some pictures.

    1. Thanks. I haven't ventured much farther than our friend's pool as I'm all tuckered out from the heat and jet lag but will try to take some pics for you next week.

  2. I wish you guys a wonderful new life in Australia! <3

    1. Thank you very much! I'm hoping it will be a more relaxed lifestyle than London.

  3. In a way, this is apropos. Pipkin will always be woven into your experiences, and to be starting something new and wonderful as you remember your sweet little one seems like a beautiful balance. Remembering Pipkin with you today, and wishing you many good things as you embark on this new life.

    1. Yes, balance is a good thing. Thank you for your kind wishes and I hope things are going well for you as a new life embarks within you. x
