
Some of the links in on this site will be affiliate links. 

I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through one of these links, at no extra cost to you.  

And As an Amazon Associate I will earn from qualifying purchases from Amazon.  


I started this blog twelve or so years ago as a means of expressing my thoughts and feelings about trying to conceive a child naturally after the age of 40.  Something popular culture, and especially the medical community, thought was impossible without help.

But I believed by eating nutritionally dense foods and reducing stressors in other areas I could tip the odds in my favour.  As a gardener you cultivate the soil for a healthy crop... 

Fair enough, I lost two pregnancies early and was worried they could be right.  It was always a rollercoaster.

I return here occasionally for those moments I'm overwhelmed by my own thoughts/feelings.  

This is a safe space for me.  

When I returned most recently, it was because my daughter reached the milestone of her tenth birthday.  It caused me to reflect on her almost-siblings who never made it to term, and her dad, who died unexpectedly when she was four.

I was surprised to notice a high number of readers the blog has received over the past decade even though I've barely posted.  I sincerely hope sharing my experience has been of value to them/you.  

And the pragmatic side of me, as a widowed parent of a soon-to-be teen juggling child/job/home, thought updating some of the links to books/resources I've had for years to affiliate links might contribute to pocket money.  

Or it might not.  

And you are certainly under no obligation to follow any links or purchase anything.

But from my perspective, you don't know if you don't try.  I mean, that is the spirit behind this blog and how I ended up with the soon-to-be teen to begin with. 


Thank you for reading.  I hope you find the tips/hope/inspiration you are looking for.

Much love,



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