Sunday 14 July 2013

Beetroot, Quinoa and Parsley Salad

Its salad season!
The weather is finally warm, which means a) I'm craving salads and b) we're eating outside.

When I'm having salad as a main course, I like to ensure it contains all the elements of a balanced meal.  

As the daughter of a diabetic, I had it drummed into me that all meals needed to include protein, carbs and fresh veg. 

For this salad, carbs are provided by the beetroot, protein by the quinoa and feta, and fresh veg by the parsley and beetroot.  

We ate this with a slice of german style grain bread and lashings of butter.

Fertility Focus

Beetroot is full of iron and folate

Parsley has high levels of vitamin K and both iron and vitamin C which helps the body absorb iron

Quinoa is a plant based form of protein, and contains all nine of the essential amino acids needed for cell renewal


  • Quinoa
  • Beetroot
  • Parsley
  • Mint
  • Feta cheese


1.  Simmer the quinoa for about ten minutes (cook according to package directions).  
2.  Rinse and drain.
3.  Grate the beetroot and finely chop parsley and mint.  
4.  Chop the feta into small cubes.
5.  Mix together all ingredients and toss with olive oil and balsamic dressing.


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