Friday 7 March 2014

All-purpose DIY pregnancy pillow

While I consider this pregnancy to have been fairly 'easy' on me so far (not that I have anything to compare it to), I have been experiencing hip pain and heartburn at night.

Looking at the long and intimidating list of items to purchase in preparation for your new arrival I noted one said 'nursing pillow' and wondered what that was.

It turns out it is a horseshoe-shaped pillow that you can rest the baby on to nurse, thus bringing the baby up to a more comfortable height and saving your arms.  I also read on a message board somewhere that I could use a nursing pillow during pregnancy, to help with my discomforts at night.

The Boppy Pillow seemed to be the go-to product, but I also read complaints in the forums that it wasn't firm/high/wide enough for various peoples tastes.  

I found a great, easy to follow tutorial for a similar nursing pillow that would be firmer and higher and decided I would alter it a little to make it wider so it would fit around Mr Duncan's waist too.

I went down to the local charity shop in search of fabric and came across a bonanza.  

They were having a half price sale.  

Not only did I find a tablecloth made out of a sturdy cotton fabric to use but I came across a pillow stuffed with hypoallergenic filling I could use and another bag of craft filling - all for the princely sum of $3.00.

Textile filling

(And a black leather ottoman for $2.50 that matches our black leather couches from Mr Duncan's bachelor days.)

I could use a good footrest

After I got the tablecloth home I was a bit reluctant to cut it up - it really is quite pretty, with blue and white checks.  

When I measured up the fabric needed for the pillow it left me with half of the tablecloth - which happens to be just big enough to fit our table.  

So I'm going with the best of both worlds and saving half to use as a tablecloth.  

For now.

When I placed the pattern on the folded fabric, I added a half an inch up to the fold to make it that little bit larger to accommodate Mr Duncan's girth.

I need to find some fabric to make slip covers (I'm thinking one side soft and fuzzy and the other side cotton or flannel).  I also think I'll make a couple of slipcovers in the original 'Boppy' shape to bring the two ends closer together in the middle, like a ring, so it could be used for propping up baby or tummy time when the time comes.

In the meantime I've squeezed it into a normal pillow case to keep it clean and in the past two days have used it

  • to sleep on - with my hip in the hollow and my belly resting on the back to take the pressure off 
  • to sleep against - with my back propped up against it and another pillow on top for my head to stop the heartburn rising up
  • to rest my laptop on my legs
  • to support my lumbar back while sitting on the couch
  • as an armrest to lean against
I'm sure it will come in useful when the baby comes, but I can't believe I haven't been using one of these for years!

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  1. That's awesome - you are so creative! and what a bargain too.

  2. Thank you. I actually started this blog as a way of fostering my creativity (while trying to create a baby) - it seems to be working!
