Wednesday 21 May 2014

Essay 60%, baby 100% complete.

After scheduling a c-section for breech presentation for next Tuesday morning, my waters gushed at 9pm last night at 38 weeks, 5 days.  

Baby was delivered just after midnight on the 21st May by emergency C - just in time for my 43rd birthday tomorrow!

She's a wee 2.6kg (about 6 lbs) but perfectly formed and extremely placid (so far).

Her tiny rosebud mouth is causing some problems with latching on to the breast so 

I've been expressing colostrum which she takes through a syringe..

Early days...

L. x


  1. Congratulations! Breastfeeding is hard, but I hope it won't interfere with you enjoying every moment with your precious baby girl!

    1. Thank you Daryl. Yes, breastfeeding is proving to be a challenge and sometimes it all ends in tears for both of us before bedtime but definitely enjoying her.

  2. Congratulations, Lisa! So glad to hear your baby girl is here safe and sound!

    1. Thanks Annie. I'm so pleased she's here now. The last couple of weeks were on the stressful side and it passed in a blur.

  3. Happy birthday to you and sweet baby girl!!!! Congrats on finally holding her in your arms. Will be sending you both peace and strength to ride the waves these early days.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes from both of us! Riding waves is a very good description of these early days. Your turn soon! x

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Turtle! I'm so glad to read that Ember is doing well. You will have a wee baby girl for me to congratulate you on in no time at all!

  5. Congratulations!! I can't wait to see pics! Good luck with breastfeeding :)
